Contents of disk No. 4/2017
For Honor with professionals
The filming group of Gambling went to the fencing center of the Paladin to discuss the game with those few who have the real experience of knightly battles today. With reconstructors from the Bayard club: one of the most titled fencing clubs in Russia.
7 min. 47 sec.
How to win Halo Wars 2?
In addition to traditional modes with the construction of the base and the seizure of the territory, the blitz mode also appeared in Halo Wars 2, fast and oriented strictly on battles. It is not necessary to build anything here, the resource accumulates one single-energy-and the troops are called directly on the battlefield from the deck similar to Hartstone, Gwintu or any other collection card game. Before the match, you make this deck – well, then you hope that exactly what you need will come to the hand in time.
12 min. 45 sec.
Who are “ghosts” in fact?
From the seventh of March, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands has appeared on sale – the franchise restarting about the adventures of the elite special detachment of “Ghosts”. Their story began back in 2001, when the first game of the series was released-Ghost Recon. Now, in 2017, in connection with the long-awaited degeneration of a special purpose franchise, we suggest you a little refresh your memory. Find out who these “ghosts” are, how their history began and how their track record is red.
6 min. 1 sec.
Knight vs. Samurai vs. Viking – who in real life?
Iron Legion came to Eshfield to restore order here – in his understanding, of course. Strong armor, reliable weapons, the ability to handle it, strength – all this allowed the knights to survive in battle with any opponents. Add here unshakable determination and high morale – and get knights in the world for Honor. But how much they look like their historical prototypes?
11 min. 48 sec.
How to win for Honor?
Why do people play competitive games? Of course, to win! But in the case of For Honor, this is not so simple-the game is famous for a diverse combat system, which will have to be mastered for a long time. The entry threshold is really high, so we decided to prepare tips for future brave warriors.
15 min. 49 sec.
10 foreign cosplayers that should be known by person
A few years ago they were called freaks and were not taken seriously. And today cosplay is one of the most important components of an alternative culture. It's hard to imagine a good convention without cosplayers. They stand on stands, walk among the crowd, take pictures with visitors. Beauties in latex, full copies of heroes,
11 min. 36 sec.
War Thunder
War Thunder: Polygon / Episode 32
“Polygon” is a weekly transfer for commanders of ships, tankers and pilots War Thunder.
12 min. 55 sec.
War Thunder: Polygon / Episode 33
“Polygon” is a weekly transfer for commanders of ships, tankers and pilots War Thunder.
12 min. 3 sec.
War Thunder: Polygon / Episode 34
“Polygon” is a weekly transfer for commanders of ships, tankers and pilots War Thunder.
11 min. 9 sec.
War Thunder: Polygon / Episode 35
“Polygon” is a weekly transfer for commanders of ships, tankers and pilots War Thunder.
13 min. 51 sec.
Gamery-Flashback: Fallout (1997)
In 1997, Black Isle Studios released Fallout – RPG, which has become a classic of computer role. And at the same time the most recognizable post -apocalypse in games. The story of the native of the shelter and his wandering around the world lying in ruins after the nuclear war for many years has become a standard for all “adults” games.
3 min. 24 sec.
Video reviews
Halo Wars 2 – High -budget strategy (review)
Already at the first launch, Halo Wars 2 captivates – it is clear that they have not stooped for development. Perfectly set videos, an intriguing tie about a spaceship … If not for the year of exit, Halo Wars 2 could be mistaken for some successful computer RTS from the past-so everything is all right here. However, the first impression is deceptive, since the developers went along a very slippery path – they began to improve and develop the gameplay.
6 min. 7 sec.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
A lot of hopes were assigned to the new adventure of Link. Whether they justified them The Legend of Zelda 2017? Yes, a thousand times yes!
9 min. 39 sec.
Horizon Zero Dawn – an eternal hunting country (review)
When the Guerrilla Games Dutch studio announced that her next game would not be a corridor shooter, but an open world, it was difficult to refrain from skeptical statements. The open world has recently become almost an obligatory point in the program: so, there is an open world? No? We diverge. But how many of the worlds of recent years are truly alive?
12 min. 54 sec.
For Honor – a simulator of a medieval warrior (review)
For Honor – a comprehensive simulator of a medieval warrior, with the best combat system at the moment and a unique opportunity to feel like a mighty shirt.
12 min. 35 sec.
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands – What are we waiting for? (Preview)
Over the sixteen -year history of the Ghost Recon series, more than a dozen games managed to exit within its framework, but the new part stands out against their background. It appeared in it from Far Cry-there is an open world, and crazy villains, and even some mechanics moved right from there. But there is one most important difference: Wildlands – a cooperative game. And this radically changes the sensations from the process.
9 min. 21 sec.
Sniper Elite 4 – accurate shot (review)
USS agent Karl Fairburn-Lobe wolf. He copes with, at first glance, impossible tasks. In this review, we will tell you how evil you will have to face a sniper in Italy in 1943.
6 min. 28 sec.
Torment: Tides of Numenera (review)
The fact that before us is the spiritual heiress Planescape is felt right away. In Tides of Numenera, battles take a minimum of time, and it is not difficult to avoid most of them, the main source of experience and money is conversation. This role -playing game, like the original, asks philosophical questions about the world order, not trying to impose the This Is Vegas sister sites correct answers. Even the basis of the narrative inherited from Planescape: we either carry out a variety of tasks in rather large cities, then we rush through the narrow plot tunnels. Moreover, as before, the main character goes to the final meeting with fate from the place where he began his way.
5 min. 36 sec.
Horizon Zero Dawn – a thousand years in advance (preview)
Who would have thought that a bright future is huts, skins and matriarchy clothes? The creators of Horizon Zero Dawn could! After all, it was they who created the colorful world inhabited by beer -like robots and proud tribes. We will talk about these and many features of the new game in this video man!
7 min. 51 sec.
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands (review)
This time, Ghost Recon talks about how the restless detachment of “ghosts” fights with a cartel who captured a whole country. The creators did a great job: the structure of the local cartel, its philosophy, boss biography, a bunch of scattered documents, promotion on the radio, funny conversations of the detachment – all this is a giant work, and the mythology of the game is really beautiful.
13 min. 51 sec.
Halo Wars 2 – Strategy on Consoles – this is not fantasy (preview)
Covenant, Brutians, exiles … If all these words tell you something, then you will definitely wait for the release of Halo Wars 2. In this video, we will remind you the story of Captain Catter, and we will also talk about what awaits him in the near future!
11 min. 13 sec.
Nioh – you will suffer! (Review)
Calling the Nioh clone Dark Souls, players miss one very important detail. Once, creating Ninja Gaiden for the first Xbox, the developers took the genre key for that period-console action. Then everyone had slasers by ear, and the main of them was Devil May Cry. Team Ninja, of course, could create something conceptually different, but decided to follow the path of the least resistance. As a result, the studio got a reference game. Familiar to fans of the same DMC, but at the same time completely original in everything related to complexity and combat system.
7 min. 21 sec.
PREY – impressions of the first hours (portie)
The game will be released on May 5, 2017, but for now we spent several hours in the demo version of Prey and hasten to share our impressions!
7 min. 51 sec.
Packing: Nintendo Switch
Hello everyone, Gambling is with you and today in the Unboxing section, we unpack the brand new Nintendo Switch! By the way, today not only the hybrid console itself came to our table, but also a few pleasant additions to it.
2 min. 36 sec.